15 Nov 2006, 5:58 am
turut nyanyi sama... if tomorrow neva comes.. la la la
ni poem sedih lah
9 Nov 2006, 11:28 am
tu ler pasal...lupa nak cakap...kalau x bleh je merentas ke bkt bruang tuh.kampung sebelah jer...hihi
tula pasal
2 Nov 2006, 1:26 pm
selamat hr raya....x balik bkt beruang ker? saya duk sg putat jer...
balik, awat tak cakap awal2, bleh kta jmpa heheh
2 Nov 2006, 10:43 am
hi amira, bole tak kongsi clip2 kiamat sudah dekat atau apa2 je yg berkaitan cerita tu? puas cari x jumpa la. tolong yea
OLI, saya dah email tapi tak berjaya, yahoo limited space dia..maaf ye
26 Oct 2006, 6:13 am
tq.. selamat!!
23 Oct 2006, 5:36 pm
22 Oct 2006, 9:36 pm
jmpt msk laman gue
22 Oct 2006, 12:05 am
a'kum amirah. sorry. lama tak menyinggah member2 nyer blog anyway, di kesempatan ni nak ucapkan dan jemputlah makan dan
wasalam mr imran, mekasih..jemput2lah..hehe
13 Oct 2006, 1:58 pm
hi gang..i will be busy for this 2 or 3 days, i check my blog but not hv time to update or reply a comment. Its hard for me to keep away my hand from blogging, but i have a lots of work to do.And this month my collegues really happy to bully me! :
11 Oct 2006, 1:52 pm
salam and hi! i enjoy reading ur blog...keep up the good work..
salam, and thanks for come to my blog
11 Oct 2006, 7:19 am
tq kerna sudi ke weblog diari saya.
10 Oct 2006, 10:35 am
salam...kat entry angel frm heaven tu..photo akk or photo kakak akk?sy x brapa cam le muka akk nih...dulu 1 clas dgn haswandi ahmad ker?
bukanlah..tu kakak saya, setakat ni saya takkan paparkan gambar saya kat blog. mmg irna tak cam saya rasanya, am nobodylah kat skolah dulu.haswandi tu senior saya,saya muda dr dia stahun.
10 Oct 2006, 12:35 am
Assalamu'alaikum Nani. Jika ada kelapangan dan kesudian. Sila kunjungi blog yang baru saya mulakan pada 3 Oktober 2006 . Terima kasih dan ketemu maya lagi. Wassalam.
walikumsalam, ohh dah ada blog,insyaaLLAH akn sy kunjungi..sama2
9 Oct 2006, 5:51 pm
Assalammualaikum Mira, Do you have the mp3 song for kiamat sudah dekat?
sorry mydensiti, i dont have that mp3, but if u really want, i can convert from the vcd, actually am thinking about that too, i will convert some touching part to mp3. but am a bit busy now, dunno when i will start the project.
7 Oct 2006, 7:43 am
Buat anda yang berminat dengan Movie Malay Mr Cinderella bagian 1, 2 dan Pemburu Emas Yamashita sila klikk disini [link]
wooo saya anti betul mncari harta yamashita tu...
6 Oct 2006, 11:16 am
ermm what a nice cake...heheh if u wanna some donut and muffin feel free to my blog... ..
"selamat hari guru cikgu" errr...errr hope im not late.
THANKS mineral..you have a great blog! thanks..
5 Oct 2006, 10:07 am
ooo informal.kami pun ada wat gak 7oct ni. ni baru 1st time arr nak gather dgn dak2 batch SPM 99. apakata nanti dah ramai kita wat club alumni munshi. ok?
one of my friend is trying to work on a big gathering now...but she almost give up. dunno we can plan..but how many of us really want to make it as reality?
1 Oct 2006, 4:06 pm
hi. just dropping by your blog. its sad to know our children aint that good in english. Even Form 1 & 2 student having trouble to answer the simplest of question.
yes its really sad, and sometimes make us upset with them. But we have to understand their situation. English is totally alien for them, even was taught in primary school, but some of them never care about their education.
1 Oct 2006, 11:08 am
Selamat berpuasa, semoga puasa tahun ini lebih berkualiti drpd tahun2 lepas
time kasih azhad, rasanya tahun ni punya ramadhan macam lebih teruk dr sebelum2 ni..heheh
30 Sep 2006, 4:33 pm
Dropped by from Hliza's blog and just wanted to say that your post today made me smile. You have a lovely blog.
thanks horizon, hope not only today i can make u smile..haha.thankss.. a lot
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