20 Jun 2006, 12:08 pm
Excellent site!! 
thanks tavox, welcome to my blog.
15 Jun 2006, 6:44 pm
bz yek.. 
mm bz gak skg dah ok skit..hehe 
10 Jun 2006, 3:30 pm
tq suhaimi..yes teaching is my choices,but as a teacher ..we not only teach..but i have to be a programmer too..thats really tiring me.
30 May 2006, 8:24 pm
kak amirah..sayer dah ader blog site baru..meh la singgah2 ye..  [ link]
oooh..ok nanti saya lawat dan add, skang xdpat sbb pc kat cc ni cam bengong je.nak update blog pun curiga.
29 May 2006, 10:24 pm
ur blog's add dah di linked kan ke blog eisz. sowie lmbt respond. hiks. 
tq eisz..mekasih bebanyak, nanti saya add kan ke blog saya ye..tq sesangat.
29 May 2006, 1:08 pm
sbnarnya kak fizz hidup ni seronok bila kita buat apa yang kita minat, alhamdulillah hampir 80% dr impian saya masa kekecik dulu saya dah capai. Hadiah..saya tak minta apa2..tu yg terharu bila dorang bg.
26 May 2006, 9:20 am
thanks shuhaimi, mmg nak round satu melaka yg kecik tu, tapi rasanya masa tak cukup..daa..mmm 
25 May 2006, 3:24 am
Acik, remeber I once said you are an ocean fish. Even though surrounded by salty water, you stay the same. The flesh will never be salty. Hang on that words. Just forget what the world says about you! You are what you are 
thanks along...  am happy today!
24 May 2006, 1:04 pm
salam sis 
salam ...welcome 
24 May 2006, 3:23 am
why should you hate yourself,if you hate yourself,it mean "you are fool or you have no right to life"...nani...in love i lost nearly everything and i lost my health, you know about ....so...love yourself more than anyone 
ya, jas sometime life was so damn hard, but all this thing will make us stronger.. 
18 May 2006, 9:35 pm
tq..selamat hr guru juga buat guru yang sedang belajar gak..hehe
17 May 2006, 8:02 pm
SeLaMaT Hari Guru ~ Amirah ~ 
tq kak fizz... 
10 May 2006, 5:08 pm
whoaa memancing sakan yek.. banyak gaks ikan tuh.. btw.. gambar kat email pun kak fizz dah tengok.. nampak seronok yek..  oh yer amirah takyah anto email kat kak fizz nye email add downs0ul.. sebab yang tuh dah tak leh buka.. error
hehe..memang sakan kak fizz..ok kak fizz..lain kali sy guna email lain..hehe
10 May 2006, 8:05 am
 hai sorry tumpang lalu =
lalu..lalulah jangan risau takde road block..hehe 
6 May 2006, 10:35 pm
 ya-ha.. amirah.. laa nie baru leh online.. perghh.. seronoknya bercuti  fizz pun lamo tak cuti nieh.. btw.. thanks for da pix.. nanti nanti fizz email yek pix from my camera... 
tq fizz..bestttt cuti..tu. Ok saya tunggu email dr kak fizz ye
6 May 2006, 9:33 pm
Seems like u enjoyed the trip a lot. I'm happy for u, sis. Wish we can go and visit you there one day. Iqa loves the chalet with water all around 
yeah..i really enjoyed it, cant imagine if i can bring iqa or our family.it must become our wonderful moment.
5 May 2006, 9:59 pm
Ya..insha Allah..take care u too
25 Apr 2006, 2:08 am
salaam,how are you?i feel that you are not "ok".what happen to you.i am sad bcz you are sad  (((
life up and down jas. Am sad..its normal..am happy its not normal 
24 Apr 2006, 4:21 pm
Ucapan Takziah kepada Allahyarham Tun Abdul Ghaffar Baba.. Mantan TPM M'sia. Al Fatihah. 
24 Apr 2006, 1:13 pm
Assalamu'alaikum.. pa kabar kamu? Semoga sihat. 
walikumsalam, baik..kamu pun smoga sihat. 